Upcoming Events
- Fri, Jan 24Denver

I'm a RedLine Resident Artist!
Studio hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-3pm if you want to come say hi!
RedLine Contemporary Art Center

Kinážiŋ Project
What does Living Land mean?
The Kinážiŋ project (Formerly, the Living Land Acknowledgement Project). "Kinážiŋ" (key-na-ghee) means to return to where you were moved from in the Lakota language. It is intended to be a living land philosophy that incorporates and revitalizes Colorado Indigenous ecology, while also celebrating and documenting historical and neighborhood narratives through art. Living land means to acknowledge, take action and return.

Successful Partnerships

Convergence Station Cultural Liaison

Think 360 Arts for Learning
Teaching Artist

Pop Culture Classroom
Excellence in Graphic Literature Awards Advisory Board Member/Juror

Redline Contemporary Art Center
Resident Artist/Collaborator
BIG Idea Advisory Committee

Denver Arts and Venues
Cultural Partners Program

City and County of Denver
Community Connector